The old Newtonion/Copernican Heliocentric model of our solar system is an unproven theory. In fact it is a false one.
Since our solar system travels through space, the planets do NOT revolve around the Sun in a circular fashion.
They are “dragged” behind the Sun in a spiral: vortex motion. In fact, after 365 days the Earth does NOT return to the starting point of its orbit.
This has GREAT consequences for the physics involved, because rotational motion and vortex motion are two completely different things!
Another thing: Einstein postulated that mass “bends” space-time.
In fact it does, but not in a straight “curve”! Mass “curls” space-time, so “a bend with a twist”:
Mass bending spacetime:
Mass curling spacetime:
This “curled space” is the template for the vortex-like motion of the planets in our solar system!
In Nature, everything spirals. Life itself is vortex motion:

Now watch this model explained for our solar system: