Epigenetics – we can reprogram the DNA we give to our children

I watched a nice episode of dr. Oz today. In the past he had sometimes surprised me with statements and health info that you normally only find in alternative media. Since dr. Oz is on main stream media big time, I commend his courage in these cases. For instance by stating “cell phone radiation causes cancer”, while every other main stream medium still refuses to accept that.
Anyway, this episode was about “Pregnancy Myths Exposed”, and started off with “epigenetics”. And to my surprise I heard something that until recently I only had heard from Bruce Lipton, in his documentary “Biology of Perception”: we do alter or reprogram our DNA as we pass it along to our children. Here’s a summary from dr. Oz’s website:

“Myth #1: You CAN’T Control Genes
What we know While some features such as eye color and receding hairlines are immutable results of your DNA, experts are discovering that other traits, like waist size or intelligence, are not. A new field of science called epigenetics is finding that what happens in the womb can influence which genes are turned on and off.
As DNA, the blueprint of your body, is rolled out during development, it gets copied. And while that copying occurs, the things you are experiencing – what you eat, the toxins you are exposed to – can stop that copy machine from working properly. This basic principal of epigenetics means that, while we can’t control what genes we pass on to our children, we may be able to control which genes get turned on or turned off.”

Up til now, main stream science would have us believe that DNA is the Single Factor, the Lord of the Things, an unalterable written blueprint that can’t be messed with.
If your ancestors have cancer, you will probably get it, too. If your ancestors are fat, you will be too. Epigenetics now tell us that DNA is used for building the fetus, but there is no “as is” copying – genes are switched off and on depending on the cirumstances.

Bruce Lipton (C.V.) states:

The difference between these two is significant because this fundamental belief called genetic determinism literally means that our lives, which are defined as our physical, physiological and emotional behavioral traits, are controlled by the genetic code. This kind of belief system provides a visual picture of people being victims: If the genes control our life function then our lives are being controlled by things outside of our ability to change them. This leads to victimization that the illnesses and diseases that run in families are propagated through the passing of genes associated with those attributes. Laboratory evidence shows this is not true.
When we buy into being a victim, we automatically buy into needing a rescuer, meaning we accept that somebody else is going to save us from ourselves. This is the unfortunate situation where the medical community has inserted itself.
Epigenetic control reveals that environmental information alters the read-out of the genes without changing the underlying DNA sequenced code.

Another great, empowering idea. Think about it for a minute. And then go watch this good old “Biology of Perception”:

IBM Builds ‘Bar Code Reader’ for DNA

The DNA Transistor is a project from IBM Research that aims to advance personalized medicine, by making it simpler (and much cheaper) to read an individual’s unique DNA sequence — the special combination of proteins that makes you unlike anyone else.

The technology isn’t finished yet, but its potential is tantalizin enough that IBM wanted to share it with the world. And the company claims researchers are making progress.

Essentially a bar code reader for genes, the DNA Transistor is part technique and part device. It consists of a 3-nanometer wide hole, known as a nanopore, in a silicon microchip. A sensor in the pore can read DNA and determine its unique makeup.

The challenge scientists face is controlling the rate at which a strand moves through that nanopore: A DNA molecule needs to spend enough time in it for the sequencing to work. By cycling voltages to the transistor’s poles, IBM aims to move the DNA through the nanopore at a consistent rate one nucleotide (molecule of DNA) at a time.

The company’s researchers are currently investigating various housings for the pore as well, honing the multilayer (metal and dielectric) nano-structures to move samples through more evenly.

“The technologies that make reading DNA fast, cheap and widely available have the potential to revolutionize bio-medical research and herald an era of personalized medicine,” said IBM research scientist Gustavo Stolovitzky. “Ultimately, it could improve the quality of medical care by identifying patients who will gain the greatest benefit from a particular medicine and those who are most at risk of adverse reaction.”

Source: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,560760,00.html

Note: Wasn’t IBM involved in the first “computers” that were used for administration in Hitler’s death camps?