Tag: russell blaylock
Cheerleader crippled for life after beeing vaccinated
This is an update on Desiree Jennings. This poor woman was crippled with a neurological disorder after taking a vaccine, which is poisonous and contains mercury, squalene and other chemical toxins harmful to the body and nervous system among other dangerous substances that are in them. Research into the ingredients of what is inside a vaccine and DO NOT foolishly put something into your body when you do not even know what’s in it or what it can do to you. Taking vaccines just because the government tells you to is completely stupid and ridiculous. Question authority and question your reality.
YouTube page: here
Mercury in fillings – toxic and dangerous
I just had the last of my remaining dental amalgam fillings removed. I had five of these toxic mercury dispensers in my mouth, and I’m glad they’re gone.
If you do a web search you come accross the inevitable sceptic and government sites claiming that they are “perfectly safe”. Yeah right. Mercury is up there in the top toxins with led and arsenic. Don’t let anybody fool you, it’s not worth the risk. If you drink hot liquids like coffee or thee, these fillings are heated and they release mercury particles. Better yet: brushing with fluoride makes the release even go faster!
Here are a few facts about mercury amalgam fillings:
[as found on http://www.holisticmed.com/dental/amalgam/]
1. Causes Damage to Brain in Children
In February, 1998, a group of the world’s top mercury researchers announced that mercury from amalgam fillings can permanently damage the brain, kidneys, and immune system of children.
2. Amalgam Fillings Linked to Neurological Problems, Gastrointestinal Problems
The first large-scale epidemiological study of mercury and adverse reactions was recently completed and showed that of the symptoms looked at, there was a link seen to gastrointestinal problems, sleep disturbances, concentration problems, memory disturbances, lack of initiative, restlessness, bleeding gums and other mouth disorders.
3. Mercury / Alzheimer’s Disease Connection Found
A study related to mercury and Alzheimer’s Disease was recently completed by a team of scientists led by well-respected researcher Dr. Boyd Haley. They exposed rats to levels of mercury vapor diluted to account for size differences between humans and rats. The rats developed tissue damage “indistinguishable” from that of Alzheimer’s Disease. Repeating the experiment showed the same results. Dr. Haley is quoted as saying “I’m getting the rest of my fillings taken out right now, and I’ve asked my wife to have hers replaced too.” Also see: http://www.holistic-dentistry.com/artalzeimer.asp
4. Amalgam Fillings Since 1970s Unstable
The type of mercury fillings that began to be used during the last couple of decades, non-gamma-2 (high copper), releases many times more mercury than the older style of amalgam fillings. Also, please see the article on the instability of dental amalgam fillings by Ulf Bengsston.
5. Amalgam Fillings Release Highly Toxic Elemental Mercury
Mercury is one of the most toxic substances known. The mercury release from fillings is absorbed primarily as highly toxic elemental mercury vapor.
6. Amalgam Fillings Largest Source of Mercury By Far
Based on a number of studies in Sweden, the World Health Organization review of inorganic mercury in 1991 determined that mercury absorption is estimated to be approximately four times higher from amalgam fillings than from fish consumption. Recent studies have confirmed this estimate. The amount absorbed can vary considerably from person to person.
7. Gold Crowns, Gum, Bruxism, Computer Monitors Increase Release of Mercury Significantly
Gum chewing, grinding of teeth/bruxism, computer terminal exposure, presence of gold fillings or gold crowns (even if covering mercury fillings), teeth brushing, braces, and chewing cause the release of significantly increased amounts of mercury from the fillings. Also, please see the following short review related to increases in mercury exposure from dissimilar metals in the mouth, exposure to magnetic fields, chewing, etc.
8. Cumulative Poison and Builds Up in Organs
Mercury released from fillings builds up in the brain, pituitary, adrenals, and other parts of the body.
9. Mercury Amalgam Fillings Effect Porphyrins
Preliminary results from the first detailed biochemical analysis (scroll half-way down) of patients who removed mercury amalgam fillings showed a significant drop in the excretion of porphyrins (important to heme synthesis — heme carries oxygen to red blood cells), as well as a number of other key biochemical changes. Also, see the Video of the preliminary results from the study.
10. Potential Contribuatory Factor in Other Diseases
Mercury from amalgam fillings has been implicated as a possible contributory factor in some cases of Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease, IBS, reproductive disorders, allergies, and a variety of other illnesses.
11. Mercury Build Up in Brain, Organs and Breast Milk of Fetuses of Mothers With Amalgam Fillings
Mercury from fillings in pregnant women has been shown to cause mercury accumulation in brain, kidneys and liver of human fetuses (all of the areas tested). Studies have shown that mercury can be passed to infants from breast milk.
12. Proper Removal of Fillings Produces Eventual Health Improvement
A recent study published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine related to the proper removal of mercury amalgam fillings from 118 subjects showed an elimination or reduction or 80% of the classic mercury poisoning symptoms. In many cases, it took 6 to 12 months after mercury amalgam removal for the symptoms to disappear.
13. World-reknowned Experts Agree About Potential Danger
In contrast to statements from dental trade organizations, toxicologists and medical researchers are often quite concerned about the use of mercury. Lars Friberg, the lead toxicologist on the World Health Organization team looking at inorganic mercury and health effects recently stated that he believes that mercury is unsuitable for dental materials because of safety concerns.
14. Canadian Class Action Lawsuit
Canadians are in the process of beginning a major class action lawsuit based on the fact that the government knew of but did not warn the public about mercury dangers from amalgam fillings. Legal actions related to mercury exposure from mercury amalgam fillings and vaccines are beginning in the United States. For more information and a directory of Mercury-free dentists, please see the TalkInternation.com web site.
[Source: http://www.holisticmed.com/dental/amalgam/]
How to get mercury fillings removed
“Here’s a great idea: Let’s take one of the most toxic elements on the periodic table and put it in people’s mouths. That’s exactly what dentists have been doing in the United States for decades, as they’ve been filling dental cavities with none other than mercury. Of course, they call them “silver” fillings, but they’re really a combination of silver and mercury, which is, again, one of the most toxic substances on the periodic table of elements.
I call mercury fillings part of the “dark ages” of modern dentistry. Today, more and more dentists are realizing, “Hey, maybe this highly toxic metal doesn’t belong in the human body.” At the same time, dental clients are increasingly realizing they need to get that mercury removed, because as you chew and breathe, some of that mercury is being ingested by your digestive tract or inhaled into your lungs. Little by little, those mercury fillings disappear out of your teeth. Where do they go? Right into your body. ”
“If you are interested in pursuing mercury removal — by the way, I strongly recommend you get all the mercury taken out of your mouth as quickly as possible for a variety of health reasons — make sure you get it done right so you don’t expose yourself to mercury vapor or particles during the removal process, or else the removal can be far more toxic than just leaving it in place. However, a good removal will, of course, get this heavy metal out of your body in the safest way possible, without exposing you to dangerous vapor. ”
[Source: http://www.naturalnews.com/007851.html]
For obvious reason I’m glad that mine are gone…
The truth about the Flu Shot
“By 1853, Parliament began passing laws to make the untested vaccine compulsory throughout the British Empire. Other countries of Europe followed suit. Once the economic implications of compulsory vaccinations were realized, few dared to disagree. Then, as now, the media were controlled by the vaccine manufacturers and the government, who stood to make huge money from the sale of these spurious vaccines.”… Tim O’Shea, D.C.
1. What’s in the regular flu shot?
– Egg proteins: including avian contaminant viruses
– Gelatin: known to cause allergic reactions and anaphylaxis are usually associated with sensitivity to egg or gelatin
– Polysorbate 80 (Tween80™): can cause severe allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis
– Formaldehyde: known carcinogen
– Triton X100: a strong detergent
– Sucrose: table sugar
– Resin: known to cause allergic reactions
– Gentamycin: an antibiotic
– Thimerosal: mercury is still in multidose vials
2. Do flu shots work?
Not in babies:
In a review of more than 51 studies involving more than 294,000 children it was found there was “no evidence that injecting children 6-24 months of age with a flu shot was any more effective than placebo. In children over 2 yrs, it was only effective 33% of the time in preventing the flu. Reference: Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy children.” The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2 (2008).
Not in children with asthma:
A study 800 children with asthma, where one half were vaccinated and the other half did not receive the influenza vaccine. The two groups were compared with respect to clinic visits, emergency department (ED) visits, and hospitalizations for asthma.
CONCLUSION: This study failed to provide evidence that the influenza vaccine prevents pediatric asthma exacerbations.
Reference: “Effectiveness of influenza vaccine for the prevention of asthma exacerbations.” Christly, C. et al. Arch Dis Child. 2004 Aug;89(8):734-5.
Not in children with asthma (2):
“The inactivated flu vaccine, Flumist, does not prevent influenza-related hospitalizations in children, especially the ones with asthma…In fact, children who get the flu vaccine are more at risk for hospitalization than children who do not get the vaccine.”
Reference: The American Thoracic Society’s 105th International Conference, May 15-20, 2009, San Diego.
Not in adults:
In a review of 48 reports including more than 66,000 adults, “Vaccination of healthy adults only reduced risk of influenza by 6% and reduced the number of missed work days by less than one day (0.16) days. It did not change the number of people needing to go to hospital or take time off work.”
Reference: “Vaccines for preventing influenza in healthy adults.” The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 1(2006).
Not in the Elderly:
In a review of 64 studies in 98 flu seasons, for elderly living in nursing homes, flu shots were non-significant for preventing the flu. For elderly living in the community, vaccines were not (significantly) effective against influenza, ILI or pneumonia.
Reference: “Vaccines for preventing influenza in the elderly.” The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 3(2006).
3. What about the new Swine Flu shot?
– A new report from a WHO advisory group predicts that global production of vaccine for the novel H1N1 influenza virus could be as much as 4.9 billon doses a year, far higher than previous estimates.
– The report says that vaccine makers are expected to produce about 780 million doses of seasonal flu vaccine for the northern hemisphere’s 2008-09 flu season for the June 12 Announcement:
– The new H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine is going to be made by Novartis. It will probably be made in PER.C6 cells (human retina cells) and contain MF59, a potentially debilitating adjuvant.
MF-59 is an oil-based adjuvant primarily composed of squalene, Tween 80 and Span85.
– All oil adjuvants injected into rats were found toxic. All rats developed an MS-like disease that left them crippled, dragging their paralyzed hindquarters across their cages.
– Squalene caused severe arthritis (3 on scale of 4). Squalene in humans at 10-20 ppb (parts per billion) lead to severe immune responses, such as autoimmune arthritis and lupus.
Reference: Kenney, RT. Edleman, R. “Survey of human-use adjuvants.” Expert Review of Vaccines. 2 (2003) p171.
Reference: Matsumoto, Gary. Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That’s Killing Our Soldiers and Why GI’s Are Only the First Victims of this Vaccine. New York: Basic Books. p54.
Federal health officials will probably recommend that most Americans get three flu shots this fall: one regular flu shot and two doses of any vaccine made against the new swine flu strain.
Reference: Washington Post, Wednesday, May 6, 2009
HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius is talking to school superintendents around the country, urging them to spend the summer planning what to do if the government decides it needs their buildings for mass vaccinations and vaccinating kids first.
Reference: CBS News, June 12, 2009.
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The truth about Aspartame
The truth about aspartame – Dr Russell Blaylock